Watch this page for updates and news on planning applications in Barrowby
UPDATED: 13/07/19
The Guidance to planning applications and developments for Barrowby can be downloaded here.
Building Developments on Low Road Barrowby
There are three plots of land that are proposed for development to the south of Hedgefield Road Barrowby. The first plot, next to the Scout Hut already has outline planning permission for 49 dwellings. The second plot, behind Thorald Gardens,is currently under consideration for a proposed 83 dwellings. The third plot is the biggest and incorporates the remainder of the land around the Westry Corner and down Dysart Road to approximately the gap in the hedge by the large tree. Potentially the 840 dwellings in the parish could increase by another 350+.
The developers have indicated that these additional 132 properties (Plots 1 and 2) will be ready for occupation within 2 years if they are successful in gaining planning consent.
If you have any views on these developments you must make them NOW.
Firstly, you can only comment as the plans are published. Currently that is plot 2. The planning reference is S19/1131. Your comments should be addressed to South Kesteven District Council Planning Department.
Will writing a letter make a difference?
‘If you don’t buy a ticket you can’t win the lottery’ – said Planning Consultant, Ben Hunt at the village public meeting. If you don’t write and have your say, then you cannot complain afterwards. Make sure you head your letter with “Oppose” or “Against” or “Objection”.
Every letter is read and every letter counts. The weight and quality of objections do matter and do make a difference.
How to make an effective objection (if that is what you decide to do) –
What to do first…
Look carefully at the submitted details – read the summary, then concentrate on YOUR own areas of interest and/or concern.
What grounds for objection might there be?
In terms of Barrowby think about ‘material considerations’:
– the relationship between the development and the existing village
– the effect on the village and the landscape/conservation area/parking/traffic flow
– the types of houses – remember there is a Conservation area in Barrowby
– potential views of the houses, and views to/from the houses
Identify any areas of wider public interest. This could include the result of Barrowby merging with Grantham and losing its distinction as a village.
You might wish to comment on:
– the weight restriction on the A1 Dysart Road Bridge, Grantham Canal bridge and the weight restriction on Casthorpe Road and the fact that only the A1 northbound slip road and the Rectory Lane roads will grant access to construction traffic and HGV delivery vehicles into the village..
– access for the construction vehicles through existing residential areas
– you could highlight existing problems (traffic congestion, parking and lack of places in the village school) that significant house construction might amplify.
Things you might want to look at in the planning documents:
- Check the proposed access roads.
- Check the red line which shows the boundary.
- Look at the ecological appraisal which is about support for wildlife.
- Consider the effect of extra cars – does Barrowby have sustainable links now – e.g. bus services? Look carefully at the traffic analysis.
- Consider the effect on school capacity – this could be a strong objection.
- Look at the noise and air quality (proximity to the A1 makes this less of an issue)
- Look at the flooding and the drainage.
- There will be an archaeological assessment.
What to put in the letter:
- Try if you can to link the areas you want to object to, to the SKDC Local Plan or the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
- Remember to write OBJECTION at the top or I WISH TO OBJECT. Simple, but this is really important.
- Quote the planning application number at the top of the letter or email: S19/1131.
- Make sure you are using your own words – standardised letters are spotted and ignored.
- You can ask for things you DO want, e.g. ‘If you do grant permission I would like to see…’ This could include better broadband, better public transport, better cycle routes, better water pressure, open spaces, etc.
What else you can do:
- Write to, or contact, your local District Councillors, Pam Bosworth and Hannah Westropp.
Councillor Bosworth’s contact details (from the SKDC web site) are:
Phone: 01476 561430
Mobile: 07808 413043
Councillor Westropp’s contact details (from the SKDC web site) are:
Mobile: 07771 367021
- You might contact the Planning Committee membersdirectly (though they might not be in a position to reply). You can contact ALL the Planning Committee making sure they all know that you are writing to the whole committee.For details, visit:
Neither of Barrowby’s District Councillors are on the Planning Committee.
- Lobby your local M.P. Dr Johnson:
Although MPs have no direct responsibility for planning issues, they ought to be supportive of their constituents concerns – so you could raise issues that you might feel could arise from any development (e.g. traffic, school capacity, loss of village distinction).