Barrowby Community Resilience
Barrowby’s Response to Covid-19

Dear Neighbour,

We are lucky to live in a community where so many people are willing to offer their time and energy to support their neighbours.

Together with this letter, through your letterbox on 28th March, you should also have found a red card and a green card. This letter explains how you can help us by identifying those people in greatest need of help. We can offer:

  • Collection of shopping
  • Posting mail
  • A friendly phone call
  • Urgent supplies
  • Picking up a prescription
  • Walking your dog

We have a dedicated email address where you can make your needs known as well as using the telephone or card system described below.

Sunday 29th March

We are collecting information as to who is currently in need and those likely to need help in the coming weeks If you are likely to be in need in the coming weeks we ask you to show a red card between 3.00p.m. and 6.00p.m. on Sunday 29th March in the corner of the window nearest your front door. Please do not display your red card at any other time on Sunday as we do not want to advertise the location of vulnerable households unnecessarily. If you are in need now and friends and neighbours are already caring for you, you may decide not display a red card. A volunteer will make a note of the addresses where a red card has been displayed and will attempt to make contact with the occupants.

From Monday 30th March, volunteers will walk past your house and look for a card in the window nearest your front door. If it is green we will know all is well. If it is red, you will be contacted by either a neighbour or a volunteer.
If neighbours look out for 5 houses around them and check that neighbours are well and that there is no red card being displayed, this should ensure that nobody in need is overlooked. If the green cards are continuously displayed we will know that all is well. The help we can offer is limited to the tasks above. Volunteers cannot enter your house.

If you are in need of medical attention you should summon the appropriate medical services either by telephone or the internet. We cannot offer medical treatment or advice.


If you wish to volunteer please contact us by using the email address . We will contact you with a registration form that will include you in the Parish Council’s insurance. The form can also be found on the downloads page of this website. The data you supply will be destroyed when the current crisis is over or whenever you wish.

This community response is being sponsored by Barrowby Parish Council.