Welcome to Cllrs. Footitt and Marriott the newly co-opted members of the Parish Council. We look forward to working with them in the years ahead.

Community Consultation December 2022

Many thanks to (at the time of going to press) 60 respondents to the recent questionnaire regarding the future of our community green areas and the implications to our parish precept.

The details of the analysis will be published in the February edition of the Barrowby News as well as being published on the Parish Council website.

Views are mixed as to how we should proceed but what is becoming apparent is that there is widespread support for a number of issues.

26.7% oppose an increase in precept but 74.3% are in favour of an increase – some by as much as £1.00 or £2.00 per week!

There is also widespread support for more community volunteers 90% in favour 6.6% against and seeking sponsorship 90% in favour and 8.3% against. However, when asking for potential volunteers only 40% offered and 58% answered no to offering their time and effort.

If you have not yet submitted your response, there is still time. Please return your completed questionnaire to the Reading Room (letter box) by midday 23rd December.