Please see the follow-up letter from the Vale Medical Group practice confirming the permanent closure of Woolsthorpe Surgery.

Vale Medical Group
Stackyard & Woolsthorpe Surgery
Dr S Wooding – Partner Stackyard Surgery
Dr P Rathbone – Partner 1 The Stackyard
Dr B Dorling Croxton Kerrial
Dr K Rice Grantham
Dr C Harris Lincs
Ms J Perez – ANP NG32 1QS
Mrs C Lee – ANP
Tel: 01476 870900
Mrs R Ashworth – Group Practice Manager

25th March 2021

Dear Mrs Hayward

Proposal to close Woolsthorpe Surgery and move Stackyard Surgery to NHS East Leicestershire and Rutland Clinical Commissioning Group

Following the recent consultation process and the meeting of NHS Lincolnshire CCG’s Primary Care Commissioning Committee on Wednesday 10 March 2021, we are writing to confirm our Woolsthorpe branch surgery site will permanently close and Stackyard Surgery will move to East Leicestershire and Rutland Clinical Commissioning Group.

We have written to all of our patients registered at the Woolsthorpe branch surgery to share the same update with them and to confirm that they will still be able to access all facilities and services at the Stackyard Surgery (as has been the case during the Covid19 pandemic) from 8am to 6:30pm Monday to Friday (except Bank Holidays), as well as continuing to be able to access our clinicians via e-consult or by telephone to reduce the need for travel.

As you might be aware, we are still trialing our mobile collection point at Woolsthorpe, whereby patients can collect or hand in repeat prescriptions between 11:00am and 12noon each Wednesday (patients must be registered for this mobile service, which is delivered via a van situated on Main Street).

We understand that this outcome will be disappointing for some of our patients but, with the support of NHS Lincolnshire CCG, we have undertaken a robust consultation process and have listened to the thoughts of concerns of our patients throughout. We will continue to provide an excellent service from Stackyard Surgery.

If patients wish to do so, they have the right to re-register at another practice covering the area they live in, but we hope that they will choose to stay with us.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any further assistance.

Yours sincerely

Dr Simon Wooding Dr Philip Rathbone
GP Partner GP Partner