Would you like to be a Parish Councillor? 

Barrowby Parish Council currently has two vacancies for Parish Councillors.

There is so much you could get involved with – from helping oversee the running of the Allotments, Sports Pavilion, Burial Ground or play areas to reviewing planning applications and reporting potholes!

Expressions of interest are invited from anyone that would like to be considered for co-option to the council. Please write to the Parish Council via the Clerk and include a few details of why you would like to become a councillor.

Clerk Julie Moss email: clerk@barrowbyparishcouncil.org.uk or telephone 07710 087124.



Please note that all Parish Councillors are volunteers. 


  • British, Commonwealth or EU citizen
  • Aged 18 years or over
  • On the Electoral Register for the parish
  • Have lived in (or within 3 miles of) the parish for at least a year