From Transport Services Group

Why are we doing this?

Since the Government launched the National Bus Strategy in March 2021, to secure a share of the £3BN funding announced, local transport authorities are asked to enter into an Enhanced Partnership with local operators and to produce a Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) by the end of October 2021. This will be considered by the Department for Transport (DfT) to determine how much funding we will receive. As part of the evidence base, we are sending out this engagement survey to establish a baseline of views, what local people and organisations consider important and what may encourage them to use buses more.   Further consultation will be held in due course as potential schemes start to emerge for the BSIP.

Who should complete the survey? 

The survey is designed to be completed by individuals and representatives of organisations. The survey asks different questions depending on how you answer. We are encouraging as many people as possible to complete the survey on-line but if you have any constituents that cannot they can ring 0345 456 4474 Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm and we will arrange a postal copy of the survey to be sent to them.

This link will take you to the survey


The survey went live on 4th August and closes on Monday 30th August. Ideally we would have liked it to be longer but because of the time constraints to submit a plan set by the DfT, this isn’t possible on this occasion.

For more information or to answer any queries you may have regarding this survey, please email or contact Helen Reek