Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) are currently undertaking investigative works into the recent flooding issues that have been experienced by residents in the area following storms Babet and Henk. LCC have contracted and authorised flood risk consultants to undertake this work on behalf of the council. 

Starting next week and continuing for several months, consultants will be out in the affected locations to engage with residents who have reported internal flooding during the recent storms, and to determine potential mechanisms for the floods for the section 19 reports.

 Any access to properties, whether internal or external, or documenting of evidence such as photographs will only be undertaken by express permission of the homeowner in question beforehand. 

If you would like more information regarding when the consultants will be visiting your area, or dates to potentially meet them out on site to discuss the floods, then please let us know via the email address above. 

If you have any concerns or queries, please send these through to Lincolnshire County Council’s Flood and Water Team using the contact details below. 

Yours sincerely, 

Vicky Jones & Brett Rycroft-Jones

Flood Resilience Programme Co-Ordinators